The Zieglerschen in Wilhelmsdorf are convinced of the digital reusable system to keep track of their daily equipment rental processes.  

The larger the kitchen and the number of meals produced, the higher the investment in equipment that is delivered daily to the customers with fresh food. That's why we offer our customers the possibility to track containers, transport boxes and everything else via our digitally organised eatTAINABLE reusable system using easily retrofittable QR codes and thus to know where the rented equipment is at any time.

  • With 44 employees, 6,500 meals are produced fresh daily in the canteen kitchen and delivered to around 220 commissions in the Rieber GN reusable system. 

With the digital organisation via eatTAINABLE, it is possible to see at any time what the existing in-house stock of GN containers is or at which facility there are still returnable containers on loan. Because there was a continuous loss of GN containers and this is exactly the problem we solved with the digital reusable live tracking.  


Saved single-use plastic packaging so far with our digital GN container traceability

261,542 kg
Rieber GN returnable system & digital traceability

GN container traceability in returnable form at the Zieglerschen in Wilhelmsdorf

  • Each GN container of the various sizes used, from GN 1/6, 1/4, 1/2 to 1/1, each in 65 mm, as well as the matching watertight plug-in lids, has its own unique QR code ID and is thus clearly traceable. The adhesive can be retrofitted at any time.
  • In returnable use, a total of around 20,000 GN containers & lids are equipped with our retrofittable eatTAINABLE QR code adhesive.
  • For delivery in GN large containers to the Zieglerschen's own facilities, around 850 shelf trolleys model GN 1/1 are used for smooth and efficient mobile transport.
  • The food is delivered to the residential groups, such as senior citizens' centres and homes for the disabled, in the GN system with around 100 insulated thermoport® boxes 1000 made of robust and lightweight plastic, black in colour.
Stainless Steel Standard
Stainless Steel Press-in Watertight Lids
To the product
GN rack trolley 1/1 - deflector castors
To the product
thermoport® K 1000 unheated - black
Temperature Sensor CHECK CLOUD
When digitally scanning the containers, we now save around 60% of the time, i.e. 1.25 h per day, and the costs for incorrect deliveries are vanishingly small thanks to the Rieber reusable system, as incorrect deliveries now only amount to less than 0.3%.
Lothar Stützle | Head of Neuland Kitchen Zieglerschen Wilhelmsdorf
  • Client: Zieglersche e.V. In circulation: approx. 17,000 containers and lid
  • Documentation lists: 175,000 pages
  • Printing & paper costs: € 15,000
  • Disposable packaging: approx. 27t
  • Working time not included

Our digital container tracking in the reusable system 

In addition, we have created an interface to the existing Sanalogic merchandise management system of the Zieglerschen - for smooth delivery and picking.

  • The GN containers are booked/tracked via automatic scanning units without any additional time or manual effort.
  • At the conveyor infeed, the QR codes of the GN containers are scanned and at the conveyor outfeed, those of the watertight plug-in lids.
  • On the return run, the GN containers and lids are scanned directly at the MEIKO conveyor dishwasher with cameras mounted on the ceiling and booked back into the reusable cycle.
Are you interested in our container traceability, then contact us.
Natalia AntonovaExport Sales Manager
East- & South Europe | South America | Japan
Dorothee RinkerExport Sales Manager
Middle East & India